Writing to Heal (An Intro)

I write for different reasons, most of the time for reasons unknown. In the 13 years that I've written both professionally and personally started, I’ve come to learn that writing is healing. Journaling is the practice that has helped me make sense of what I’m feeling even if it doesn't make sense to me (yet).

In this comeback (to podcasting) episode, I'm channeling a two-minute guided journaling exercise to help you navigate your emotional terrain and help start your healing through journaling—all it takes is a pen and the courage to face a blank page.

Do you feel the call to start your healing? Don’t ignore that.

Grab a pen and a notebook and find a quiet space you can listen to this 13-minute episode.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in. ✦


00:00 - 00:15 ✦ teaser trailer

00:16 - 01:00 ✦ intro & a quick personal update

01:01 - 01:50 ✦ the sacred mailing list you are invited to be part of (also where the origins of this episode)

01:51 - 02:03 ✦ where I’m recording this episode

02:04 - 02:33 ✦ what I’m doing here (in said location)

02:34 - 03:06 ✦ letting go of podcast perfectionism

03:07 - 03:16 ✦ wall painting crashes as I record (too cute to cut out of the editing) 😅

03:17 - 03:43 ✦ a special thank you from my grateful heart

03:44 - 04:05 ✦ diving into the source material where this episode came from

04:06 - 04:17 ✦ love/hate relationship with social media & why I feel this way

04:18 - 04:47 ✦ how misalignment causes the bad experiences online

04:47 - 05:29 ✦ intentionally slowing down to process feelings through writing

05:30 - 06:34 ✦ healing your wounds through writing

06:35 - 06:46 ✦ writing to connect to your body

06:46 - 07:50 ✦ why I’m sharing all this

07:51 - 08:28 ✦ what journaling is and does for me

08:29 - 09:16 ✦ the trappings of productivity and the masculinity of it all

09:17 - 09:24 ✦ diving into your first blank page

09:25 - 11:34 ✦ guided journaling exercise for emotional processing (an introduction)

11:35 - 11:56 ✦ the action in inaction

11:57 - 13:59 ✦ conclusion & outro


Feel ready to face the blank page with my free Write to Heal Checklist+Quick Guide 👇🏽

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    Got any questions? Send me a message here or on Instagram! It’s @ferinasantos and if you enjoyed this episode, let me know about it by sharing it and tagging me on Instagram.